Sherpa & Shire fabrics made with UltraLana™ inherent high UV Marquésa Lana® technology is now the new market standard!

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 This high ultraviolet resistant technology has been inherently added to our Sherpa & Shire fabrics.  There is a limited product line of 24 of our most popular colors.

Our UltraLana™ fabric is tested in accordance AATCC 16E for ultraviolet exposure. This accelerated test is commonly used for indexing performance of indoor fabric, outdoor fabric and carpeting.  Typical ACT standards for indoor product is 40 hours.

Our UltraLana™ Fabric line enables architects and designers to integrate a highly engineered fabric in spaces that use large windows made of glass and other transparent materials.  In combination with Absecon Mills already exceptional physical properties of Sherpa & Shire, the 2000 hours rating creates a new class of fabrics… 30+ years of proven market performance now with landmark light fastness properties.